Monday, August 1, 2011

Kaylynn's Story

Well I'm behind again and that's because it has just been a busy year! I seriously do not know where the time has gone. My beautiful babies have just been growing so much that I need to start writing down their story.

Kaylynn has been my do everything early baby. She wants to do everything that Ashton can do so she is always trying new things :). I think my last post about her was when she was about 4 months old. Well at five months she was learning to roll in both directions. She had extremely strong legs and started scooting while laying on her back. Sadly this meant that she rubbed all her hair off in the back. Luckily it didn't last long and she started scooting on her tummy.

By six months she was a scooting pro and was rolling like crazy. She started trying to crawl and she could go about two times on all fours and then she would do a hop were she would pull both her legs in. It was really cute. I knew that I needed to get her sitting up on her own to get her really crawling. I started doing this a little before six months so by the six month maker she could sit for a little on her own, but she sat really forward using her arms as support. When we were at my mom's for thanksgiving, Kaylynn started waving for the first time. It took me seeing it a few times before I figured out what she was doing. She would stretch her arm strait in front of her and then open and close her hand. I thought it was pretty cute.

By seven months (and Christmas) she was totally crawling and could go from sitting to crawling. She also loves clapping. I think I am always clapping for her to say she is doing a good job, so she does it all the time. It was also at this age we figured out her tummy issues. She went from sleeping through the night to waking up all the the time and spitting up. We found out she had acid reflux, but it was symptomatic till I started her on solid food. I started making all my own baby food and started using Lavender oil on her at night and she was back to her usual self. No more spit up and sleeping like an angel.

At eight months Kaylynn totally surprised us by pulling herself up to a standing position. I didn't think babies were strong enough at this age. We went to get her out of her crib one morning and she was sitting there standing. I immediately lowered the crib to prevent her from climbing out. It took her several weeks to really get the hang of it, but by 9 months she started pulling herself up onto everything.

At nine months other than perfecting her standing, she got her first tooth. She not only got one tooth, but she got two at the same time. They were her front bottom teeth. It was also around this time that I finally started getting her back on a regular sleeping schedule and sleeping through the night again. She also started becoming more vocal at this stage. Dada has been her favorite word since she learned it and we decided it not only meant dad but also food. She started saying mama more clearly and not just when she was mad.

At ten months she started walking along the furniture. She also changed her wave to the right way. She is talking all the time and I realized that both of my children are chatter boxes! Ashton talks constantly and Kaylynn decided she wanted to be heard so she started talking louder than him. This continues to be a problem, especially when we are in the car and Aaron and I are trying to talk :). You have always been able to see Kaylynns personality, but its really starting to come out now. She started tattling on her brother and fake crying. I can't believe how early they learn. She also started standing by herself and getting her balance.

At eleven months she is as happy of a baby as the day she was born. I have never seen a happier baby. She is always smiling and laughing at everyone. Kaylynn took her first steps two days before she turned eleven months. She started by taking two steps and sitting down. She would also go from sitting on the floor to standing with no support. She literally would do squats all day long. Those are some strong legs and great balance for a baby whose not even one! We started working on her walking and was taking ten steps in no time. She would try walking towards everything which made her progress very quickly. Also at 11 1/2 months she started using a straw. This may seem late, but I didn't even think to try it. I had forgotten a bottle and we were eating out, so I ordered her milk with a straw. She got it on the second try and is now crazy about straws. Her favorite drink is water, but she goes for anything with a straw so no leaving diet cokes around grandma and papa :).

By twelves months Kaylynn was walking all over the place and would usually only fall if her legs wouldn't move as fast as she wanted to go. She had four little teeth with plenty more ready to move in. I also started letting her put herself to sleep at night and she loved it. We would rock and sing a song and then lay her in her bed. She would snuggle up with her blanket and stuff animal and go to sleep. This was hard for me because I love rocking my kids to sleep, but I knew it was better for her if I didn't. I couldn't believe how easy the transition was for her. Can we say little miss independent?

In the past two months she had 4 more teeth come in getting her up to 8 teeth, she eats everything she is feed, is running, constantly waving and clapping, always talking, and the biggest climber I have ever seen. I thought Ashton was bad, she takes the cake! Soon after she turned one, she started pulling herself up onto our kitchen chairs. Now she can climb on to anything and even tries to jump for our ottoman to the couch. It's more of a run and fall, but she thinks it hilarious and it scares me to death that she is going to hurt herself. She is saying a lot more words like grandma, pappa, hi, bye, no, momma, dada, kitty cat and whats that. She is always pointing at things and asking whats that. She also tries to come up with her own words for things and I am slowly learning her language. She has always loved the water and with it being summer, she LOVES all our water activities. Between swimming and being at the lake, she loves all her water time.

It's amazing that she is now 14 1/2 months old and so independent. I wonder where she gets that from? Yes from her mom. She is adorable and a wonderful Tasmanian devil. Or should I call her my Tasmanian angel. She is always exploring and into everything, but I know its part of her learning process and she is just copying her brother and her mom. She has quit the personality and doesn't take no for an answer. One of her favorite food is sauteed spinach, which I find hilarious. She loves vegetables, but struggles with the texture of fruit. If its blended she will drink it, but I can't get her to eat it. She really is a fantastic eater and I love that she eat all the healthy stuff that I put on her plate. I will enjoy that while it lasts! Her and Ashton love playing together and I can already see they are going to be Trouble 1 and Trouble 2. She has been such a blessing in our home and she truly is my angel.

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