Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Kyle's Blessing

This past June, we went to California to be apart of Baby Kyle's Blessing.  This was such a wonderful weekend because so much family gathered together.  I don't think I have ever seen such a large circle around one baby!  My sister did a great job and threw an awesome party.  There was a park right down the street from the church.  So after church we headed to the park where there were picnic tables.  Everyone had a food assignment to bring for lunch and my sister rented a bounce house for the kids to play in.  Ashton had so much fun.  Since most of their families live close there were kids running everywhere, which Ashton thought was really cool.  I don't think he ever came out of the bounce house.   Kaylynn was happy to have so many people want to chase her and hold her.  I LOVED seeing everyone and catching.  It was a great weekend and we were glad we could be apart of such a special event.  Kyle has grown so much since these pictures, but he is just a handsome little man.  We love you Kyle! 

Allison, Kaylynn, Michelle and Me

Me and Baby Kyle

Trina, Taryn, Mom, Kaylynn, and Me (Can you tell we are related????)

Aunt Debbie, Unlce Randy, and Aunt Melissa

Taryn, Grandaddy, and Mom

Grandmommy and Kyle

The Great Grandbabies, Grandmommy, and Taryn

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Ashton's Graduation

Well another year of preschool has come and went and can you believe we have 1 more!  Ashton is in a wonderful preschool at Bunker Elementary School.  His teachers Ms. Kim and Ms. Emily are fantastic and it has been such a wonderful experience.  Ashton LOVES school and the summer has been really hard on him.  For the graduation, they sang all the songs they had been learning throughout the year about days of the week, months, rhymes, and friends.  Then they brought up each child and handed them a book full of their art work that shows their progress for the year.  It is truly amazing to see how much they grow in one year.  Even though Ashton is totally ready for Kindergarten and was convinced he was going to start this year, he has one more year of preschool.  I know he will be excited to see his teachers again and to make new friends with his new class.  He will also be riding the bus home from school and he is super excited for that!  Mommy is nervous, but I know it will work out great.  We love our little Ashton and are so proud of him!  Such a smart and sweet boy.  After Ashton's graduation we left immediately for California to kick off our summer.  Kaylynn fell asleep in the car, as usual, but I had to take a picture because she was snuggling with Ashton's teddy bear.  She is always stealing this bear from him.  For some reason it is the favorite in the house.  Grandma Vicky picked a winner :).  Nonetheless, I just thought she looked cute.