Aaron and I have been married for six years this July. We have a handsome 4 year old boy, Ashton and beautiful 1 year old girl, Kaylynn. We have now lived in Vegas for two years and have truly enjoyed every minute of it. We are an outdoor family who loves hiking, swimming, and our added new favorite boating. We love being active and spending time with family and friends. This is our scrapbook of all the fun things we've been up to. Thanks for being a part of it with us.
I know we've already taken the fun out of going to this appointment because we already know she is girl, but I love seeing her and making sure that everything is developing normally. She is measuring a couple days early, no surprise Ashton did too because he was tall. Everything looks fantastic, she is developing just fine. Of course she was stubborn and had her legs crossed the entire time. We got one quick shot and the technician said if we didn't already know she couldn't tell me for sure, but was leaning heavily towards a girl. So that confirms it enough for me that she is a girl! I told the tech I have stubborn children who don't like to do what there suppose to. Ashton was a really good boy at the appointment and loved seeing his little sister. So here are the new pictures of our beautiful Kaylynn and one of my belly. I know in most pictures I just look like I'm getting fatter, but the belly is there I swear :) *Enjoy my self portrait as there was no one home to take pictures of my belly for me. I like to document my belly growth so I had to use a self timer and do it myself. Not bad for my first try :)
Today we had Ashton's preschool Christmas party. Mrs. Moore tried to have the kids do a little Christmas program with pictures they had colored. Of course the boys get so excited once the parents are there, it was a little hard to get them to stand still. Ashton and I had practiced his part, but he gets so shy you can hardly hear him say it. They were all so cute. They did there little parts and sang songs for us. Then they had a blast decorating cookies and boy did they love those sprinkles! Ashton's teacher has done such a wonderful job with their class this year. Ashton loves going to school and has been learning so much. I recorded their little play and took some pictures. I was glad that I could be there to see it and finally get all the wonderful projects they have been working on this month. They even made us ornaments for the tree with their pictures on it. These are the best presents! Thank you Mrs. Moore for such a cute idea, way to go Ashton on the coloring. Ashton's favorite part was getting his new truck from his teacher. He loved all the little presents he got today.
*I tried to upload the video, but couldn't as the file was to big :(
This year, my cousins and I decided we wanted to have a family dinner to celebrate Christmas since we would be all split up during the actual Holiday. So I invited everyone to come here for our first Christmas dinner together. Of course it was very casual and we each pitched in to make the dinner. We had chicken enchiladas, rice, pizza, Caesar salad, and some really yummy cupcakes. It was so fun to sit around the table together and just talk. The boys were actually playing really nice together and I think everyone had a lot of fun. Even though we aren't able to get together very often, I love the time we do spend together. I have had a lot of fun living close to my two Cousins, Melissa and Krystle, and being able to be apart of their lives. I know Ashton and Luke have so much fun together and eventually Kendra and Kaylynn will be able to join in on all the crazy boy fun. Thanks for a great night everyone!
Since Ashton just had his third birthday, it means off to the doctor for a check up. I find these appointments really fun because I love to see where Ashton is on the chart. At this appointment he weighed 41.5 pounds and was 41.5 inches tall. Now just looking at him, you can tell that he is big for his age. The doctor came in and said well Ashton is above the 95% for his weight and height. He said basically we look at a four year old boy and expect him to be 40 inches tall and 40 pounds. Ashton was more in both categories meaning he is bigger than the average 4 year old boy. Can anyone guess how big Ashton's going to be when he gets older? I wouldn't be surprised if he is taller than his daddy. Everything else looked great and the doctor even commented on how beautiful Ashton's eyes were. Basically Ashton is a happy and healthy boy. He got one shot, which made him very upset and I had to kiss it at least twenty times because it hurt so bad. The nurse was amazing and it was the fastest shot I had ever seen, but it still hurts even if its quick. He was such a good boy at the doctor, I was very proud.
Right after our appointment we left for California. As we were driving we looked at the mountain directly behind our house and couldn't believe it was covered in snow. I had to take a picture because it was so close to us. It has since melted as the temperatures have been higher this week, but it was getting pretty close to us. We can only hope that it snows this year even for a day just so we can play in it. For now we still have to make the twenty minute drive to the mountain for snow, which is still just fine by me. :)
This past weekend was a very special time. My brother's girlfriend Michelle decided to be baptised in the church, the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She has been taking the missionary lessons these past few months and decided she wanted to be baptised. I have been lucky enough to sit in on one of her lesson and could feel the sweet spirit she has. I am so proud of her for taking this step and beginning her new journey.
The baptism was wonderful. My mom and brother gave the talks, my sisters and I sang this beautiful song, and my dad was able to baptise Michelle. Everyone did a wonderful job and I feel so blessed that we were able to be apart of that special day for her. Ashton and I drove down for a short two day trip as we had a lot to do the following week. It was a fast, but wonderful trip that I am glad we took. There were so many people there to support Michelle, it truly was a special and wonderful day. I didn't get pictures of everyone, but these are some of the many people who came to share that day with her.
I was talking to my mom tonight and we realized that we did not have a typed copy of her fabulous chocolate sheath cake that I have been raving about for the past two posts. I typed it up tonight and thought I would post it in case anyone else would like to print it and add it to there recipe books. Enjoy, its yummy!
The women's group of our church called the Relief Society had a wonderful Christmas dinner just for the women of the ward. I was asked to help read a couple of speaking parts and to sing with a small group of women for the program. We sang "I believe in Christ" and I would have to say it really sounded beautiful. The fun part about it was that I wrote the harmony for the song and had to sing it myself while the other 4 sisters sang the melody. It reminded me how much I love singing! The sister put together such a wonderful program and dinner. I had also signed up to bring a dessert, which I was so grateful that my mom made another chocolate sheath cake for me to take. It was hit and tasted so good even to have two nights in a row. It was such a fun night. I am so thankful to be a part of such a wonderful ward who has helped make Las Vegas feel like home for our family. It was a very spiritual night that I will always remember.
Well I can't believe my little Ashton just turned 3! This past week we celebrated his birthday with friends and family and it was so much fun. My mom and grandma had come up for the ultrasound and to help us celebrate Ashton's birthday. He was so excited that both of them were here. We had pizza and my mom made Ashton a chocolate sheath cake and he loved it. I think its our new favorite dessert. He got lots of really great presents, I couldn't believe how many he had to open. Ashton has grown up so much in the last year, he truly is a little man. He is so helpful and loving and I know he is going to grow up to be a wonderful and caring person. Ashton we love you so much and are so proud of you! It was a wonderful night and we had so much fun celebrating with everyone. Thank you to all those who came and help make it such a special day for Ashton.