This week, Ashton noticed that he had some freckles on his arm. He asked me what they were and I said they are called freckles, they are special angel kisses. He looked at me and said oh I have sprinkles. Now he points out my freckles and says, mommy has lots of sprinkles too!
Another mile stone this week was Ashton finally learning to ride his bike all by himself. Our back patio isn't quit big enough for him to ride bikes and he hasn't shown much interest in it till now. I took him to the park this week with his bike so he had room to really practice riding. He is now able to start and stop by himself, steer and maneuver around all sorts of obstacles. He is figuring out that he can go fast and slow and is loving every minute of it. Yes he still has training wheels, but this is a huge first step in learning to ride a bike. I am so proud of him and it's fun to watch him ride around. If we keep working on it everyday, I just might get his training wheels off sooner than later. At the bottom is a little video clip of him riding his bike. I think it's so cute he wears a helmet. He knows he can't ride without it, so it was a good first lesson in safety. I know riding his bike will now be one of his favorite things to do, I just might have to get one myself so I can keep up :)!
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